GO:0090329: regulation of DNA-dependent DNA replication (Biological process)

"Any process that modulates the rate, frequency, or extent of DNA-dependent DNA replication, the process in which new strands of DNA are synthesized, using parental DNA as a template for the DNA-dependent DNA polymerases that synthesize the new strands." [GOC:dph, GOC:tb]

There are 16 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_52 Aspergillus niger 2.13 % 0.003371 0.037601
Cluster_22 Komagataella phaffii 1.3 % 0.015205 0.04974
Cluster_29 Neurospora crassa 0.75 % 0.012306 0.030764
Cluster_49 Postia placenta 2.86 % 5.9e-05 0.002007
Cluster_5 Puccinia striiformis 0.67 % 0.009874 0.036285
Sequences (16) (download table)

InterPro Domains

GO Terms

Family Terms