Expression profile for YPL094C (YPL094C)

Description : Essential subunit of Sec63 complex; with Sec61 complex, Kar2p/BiP and Lhs1p forms a channel competent for SRP-dependent and post-translational SRP-independent protein targeting and import into the ER; cotranslationally N-acetylated by NatA; other members are Sec63p, Sec66p, and Sec72p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000006015]

Sample enrichment: synthetic complete med,20C,WT (SPM: 0.27, entropy: 3.28, tau: 0.53)
Perturbation specificity: YPD, tunicamycin (SPM: 0.49, entropy: 2.58, tau: 0.47)

All conditions

Perturbation specificity

Note: SPM calculations for this profile are done using the maximum value.