Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr YHR195W Nuclear envelope protein; anchored to the nuclear inner membrane, that interacts with the vacuolar membrane protein Vac8p to promote formation of nucleus-vacuole junctions during piecemeal microautophagy of the nucleus (PMN) [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001238] 0.8312101371245743 1 YIL036W Basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor from ATF/CREB family involved in stress-responsive regulatory network; mediates transcriptional activation of NCE103 in response to low CO2 levels; proposed to be a regulator of oleate responsive genes; involved in utilization of non-optimal carbon sources and chromosome stability; relocalizes to the cytosol in response to hypoxia; CST6 has a paralog, ACA1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001298] 0.8245644172874053 14 YGR237C Putative protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003469] 0.8154047222563614 11 YOR054C Negative regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 1 Ppz1p; involved in coenzyme A biosynthesis; subunit of the phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase (PPCDC; Cab3p, Sis2p, Vhs3p) complex and the CoA-Synthesizing Protein Complex (CoA-SPC: Cab2p, Cab3p, Cab4p, Cab5p, Sis2p and Vhs3p) [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005580] 0.8024221609964963 5 YDR358W Golgi-localized protein with homology to gamma-adaptin; interacts with and regulates Arf1p and Arf2p in a GTP-dependent manner in order to facilitate traffic through the late Golgi; GGA1 has a paralog, GGA2, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002766] 0.8016365259309226 8 YJR059W Serine/threonine protein kinase; involved in regulation of ion transport across plasma membrane; carboxyl terminus is essential for glucose-dependent Pma1p activation via phosphorylation of Pma1p-Ser899; enhances spermine uptake; PTK2 has a paralog, PTK1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003820] 0.7854187388505083 15 YMR140W Protein of unknown function; interacts with both the Reg1p/Glc7p phosphatase and the Snf1p kinase; forms cytoplasmic foci upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004748] 0.7821740864971028 16 YGR130C Component of the eisosome with unknown function; GFP-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm; specifically phosphorylated in vitro by mammalian diphosphoinositol pentakisphosphate (IP7) [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003362] 0.780081116900881 12 YPL219W Cyclin; interacts with Pho85p cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) to phosphorylate and regulate glycogen synthase, also activates Pho85p for Glc8p phosphorylation; PCL8 has a paralog, PCL10, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000006140] 0.7792212627261753 21 YGL237C Subunit of the Hap2p/3p/4p/5p CCAAT-binding complex; complex is heme-activated and glucose-repressed; complex is a transcriptional activator and global regulator of respiratory gene expression; contains sequences sufficient for both complex assembly and DNA binding; respiratory defect of the null mutant is functionally complemented by human NFYA [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003206] 0.77400749765859 10 YKL168C Putative serine/threonine protein kinase with unknown cellular role; KKQ8 has a paralog, HAL5, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001651] 0.7724806687750765 37 YDR229W Phospholipid-binding protein that interacts with both Ypt7p and Vps33p; may partially counteract the action of Vps33p and vice versa, localizes to the rim of the vacuole as cells approach stationary phase [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002637] 0.7700882279652841 14 YDL113C Sorting nexin family member; required for the cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway and for endosomal sorting; has a Phox homology domain that binds phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate; interacts with Snx4p; potential Cdc28p substrate [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002271] 0.7684378404071569 24 YMR031C Component of the eisosome required for proper eisosome assembly; similar to Uso1p; authentic, non-tagged protein is detected in a phosphorylated state in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies; protein increases in abundance and relocalizes from plasma membrane to cytoplasm upon DNA replication stress; EIS1 has a paralog, YKL050C, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004633] 0.7651070708256987 14 YHL019C Protein of unknown function; homologous to the medium chain of mammalian clathrin-associated protein complex; involved in vesicular transport [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001011] 0.7604638658533606 44 YIL105C Phosphoinositide PI4,5P(2) binding protein, forms a complex with Slm2p; acts downstream of Mss4p in a pathway regulating actin cytoskeleton organization in response to stress; TORC2 complex substrate and effector; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress; SLM1 has a paralog, SLM2, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001367] 0.7473458457473939 16 YMR068W Component of a complex containing the Tor2p kinase and other proteins; complex may have a role in regulation of cell growth [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004672] 0.7471150347119017 17 YAL028W Tail-anchored ER membrane protein of unknown function; interacts with homolog Frt1p; promotes growth in conditions of high Na+, alkaline pH, or cell wall stress, possibly via a role in posttranslational translocation; potential Cdc28p substrate; FRT2 has a paralog, FRT1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000026] 0.7443497979061101 18 YMR053C Protein that interacts with Sin3p in a two-hybrid assay; part of a large protein complex with Sin3p and Stb1p; STB2 has a paralog, STB6, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004657] 0.7395972427691347 33 YJL141C Serine-threonine protein kinase; component of a glucose-sensing system that inhibits growth in response to glucose availability; upon nutrient deprivation Yak1p phosphorylates Pop2p to regulate mRNA deadenylation, the co-repressor Crf1p to inhibit transcription of ribosomal genes, and the stress-responsive transcription factors Hsf1p and Msn2p; nuclear localization negatively regulated by the Ras/PKA signaling pathway in the presence of glucose [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003677] 0.7382912581158886 21 YER162C Protein that recognizes and binds damaged DNA (with Rad23p) during NER; subunit of Nuclear Excision Repair Factor 2 (NEF2); also involved, with Rad23p, in turnover of ubiquitylated proteins; Rad4p-Rad23p heterodimer binds to promoters of DNA damage response genes to repress their transcription in the absence of DNA damage; NER stands for nucleotide excision repair [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000964] 0.7366016517957802 22 YDR074W Phosphatase subunit of the trehalose-6-P synthase/phosphatase complex; involved in synthesis of the storage carbohydrate trehalose; expression is induced by stress conditions and repressed by the Ras-cAMP pathway; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002481] 0.7358134017524419 23 YCR091W Putative serine/threonine protein kinase; implicated in the regulation of phospholipid asymmetry through the activation of phospholipid translocases (flippases); involved in the phosphorylation of upstream inhibitory kinase Ypk1p along with Fpk1p; has a redundant role in the cellular response to mating pheromone; KIN82 has a paralog, FPK1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000687] 0.7306096639748856 24 YHL002W Subunit of the endosomal Vps27p-Hse1p complex; complex is required for sorting of ubiquitinated membrane proteins into intralumenal vesicles prior to vacuolar degradation, as well as for recycling of Golgi proteins and formation of lumenal membranes [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000994] 0.729007204095627 29 YLR238W Protein involved in recovery from arrest in response to pheromone; acts in a cell cycle arrest recovery pathway independent from Far1p; interacts with Far3p, Far7p, Far8p, Far9p, and Far11p; potential Cdc28p substrate; FAR10 has a paralog, VPS64, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004228] 0.7237123901669016 91 YDR330W UBX domain-containing protein that interacts with Cdc48p; ubiquitin regulatory X is also known as UBX [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002738] 0.7233474336425697 69 YIR003W Protein of unknown function; involved in mitochondrial migration along actin filament; may interact with ribosomes; GFP-fusion protein colocalizes with Sac1p to the actin cytoskeleton [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001442] 0.7214521978428359 98 YJL155C Fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase, required for glucose metabolism; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003691] 0.7124142592926633 31 YOR132W Subunit of the membrane-associated retromer complex; essential for endosome-to-Golgi retrograde protein transport; peripheral membrane protein that assembles onto the membrane with Vps5p to promote vesicle formation; required for recruiting the retromer complex to the endosome membranes [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005658] 0.7115187489065868 67 YHR080C Sterol-binding protein that localizes to puncta in the cortical ER; sterol binding occurs via two StART-like domains; one of six StART-like domain-containing proteins in yeast that may be involved in intracellular sterol transfer between membranes; conserved across eukaryotes; has both GRAM and StART-like (VASt) domains; the authentic, non-tagged protein is detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001122] 0.7106755824828611 97 YLR006C Cytoplasmic phosphorelay intermediate osmosensor and regulator; part of a two-component signal transducer that mediates osmosensing via a phosphorelay mechanism; required for mitophagy; dephosphorylated form is degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system; potential Cdc28p substrate [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003996] 0.7070163024795776 69 YKR058W Glycogenin glucosyltransferase; self-glucosylating initiator of glycogen synthesis, also glucosylates n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside; SWAT-GFP and mCherry fusion proteins localize to the cell periphery and vacuole respectively; similar to mammalian glycogenin; GLG1 has a paralog, GLG2, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001766] 0.7052021725479585 36 YGL227W Central component of GID Complex, involved in FBPase degradation; interacts strongly with Gid8p to serve as a scaffold for other GID Complex subunits; contains SPRY domain and 3 domains that are also found in Gid8p - LisH, CTLH, and CRA; required for association of Vid vesicles and actin patches in vacuole import and degradation pathway; shifts the balance of nitrogen metabolism toward glutamate production; localizes to the nucleus and the cytoplasm [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003196] 0.7033302811028822 37 YGR009C t-SNARE protein required for secretory vesicle-plasma membrane fusion; similar to but not functionally redundant with Spo20p; interacts non-exocyst bound Sec6p; SNAP-25 homolog [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003241] 0.70260149337099 58 YLR219W Protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cell periphery; msc3 mutants are defective in directing meiotic recombination events to homologous chromatids; potential Cdc28p substrate; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004209] 0.6981729179496203 88 YNR006W Endosomal protein that forms a complex with Hse1p; required for recycling Golgi proteins, forming lumenal membranes and sorting ubiquitinated proteins destined for degradation; has Ubiquitin Interaction Motifs which bind ubiquitin (Ubi4p) [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005289] 0.6966078205160607 99 YHR002W Mitochondrial carrier protein; involved in the accumulation of CoA in the mitochondrial matrix; homolog of human Graves disease protein SLC25A16, which complements yeast null mutant; does not encode an isozyme of Leu4p, as first hypothesized [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001044] 0.6920942081343743 44 YMR291W Protein kinase of unknown cellular role; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm and nucleus; null mutant is sensitive to expression of the top1-T722A allele; not an essential gene; relocalizes from nucleus to cytoplasm upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004905] 0.6902843092648541 46 YKR098C Ubiquitin-specific protease; cleaves ubiquitin from ubiquitinated proteins; UBP11 has a paralog, UBP7, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001806] 0.6870464827185208 47 YOR042W Ubiquitin-binding protein; functions as ubiquitin-Atg8p adaptor in ubiquitin-dependent autophagy; serves as proteaphagy receptor for inactivated 26S proteasomes; contains CUE domain that binds ubiquitin, which may facilitate intramolecular monoubiquitination; CUE5 has a paralog, DON1, that arose from the whole genome duplication; human TOLLIP is a functional CUE-domain homolog, can complement yeast null mutant, rescuing hypersensitivity of cue5 null mutant cells to Htt-96Q [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005568] 0.6866605539347471 100 YDR423C AP-1-like basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcriptional activator; involved in stress responses, iron metabolism, and pleiotropic drug resistance; controls a set of genes involved in stabilizing proteins; binds consensus sequence TTACTAA; CAD1 has a paralog, YAP1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002831] 0.685399848095552 55 YER059W Pho85p cyclin of the Pho80p subfamily; forms the major Glc8p kinase together with Pcl7p and Pho85p; involved in the control of glycogen storage by Pho85p; stabilized by Elongin C binding; PCL6 has a paralog, PCL7, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000861] 0.6850300491506042 89 YMR311C Regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (Glc7p); involved in glycogen metabolism and chromosome segregation; proposed to regulate Glc7p activity via conformational alteration; ortholog of the mammalian protein phosphatase inhibitor 2; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004928] 0.6845357438387355 52 YGR143W Protein involved in sphingolipid biosynthesis; type II membrane protein; SKN1 has a paralog, KRE6, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003375] 0.6821983708650716 63 YPL247C Putative protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm and nucleus; similar to the petunia WD repeat protein an11; overexpression causes a cell cycle delay or arrest [Source:SGD;Acc:S000006168] 0.6798884253663561 54 YCL051W Protein involved in control of cell wall structure and stress response; direct inhibitor of the nuclear Dbf2 related (NDR) kinase Cbk1p-Mob2p; overproduction confers resistance to cell-wall degrading enzymes; exhibits genetic interactions with genes involved in the cell wall integrity pathway; LRE1 has a paralog, HLR1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000556] 0.6797654192643239 55 YDR475C Protein of unknown function; previously annotated as two separate ORFs, YDR474C and YDR475C, which were merged as a result of corrections to the systematic reference sequence; JIP4 has a paralog, YOR019W, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002883] 0.6783625521825902 58 YGR241C Protein of the AP180 family, involved in clathrin cage assembly; binds Pan1p and clathrin; YAP1802 has a paralog, YAP1801, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003473] 0.6749189600018971 59 YPL230W Putative transcription factor containing a C2H2 zinc finger; mutation affects transcriptional regulation of genes involved in growth on non-fermentable carbon sources, response to salt stress and cell wall biosynthesis; USV1 has a paralog, RGM1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000006151] 0.6747325313256132 61 YAL034C Non-essential protein of unknown function; expression induced in response to heat stress; FUN19 has a paralog, YOR338W, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002134] 0.6704385122089307 68 YLR177W Putative protein of unknown function; phosphorylated by Dbf2p-Mob1p in vitro; some strains contain microsatellite polymophisms at this locus; not an essential gene; YLR177W has a paralog, PSP1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004167] 0.6698043035724944 69 YBR290W Heavy metal ion homeostasis protein; facilitates trafficking of Smf1p and Smf2p metal transporters to vacuole where they are degraded; acts as an adaptor protein with Rsp5p in the regulated endocytosis of Smf1p and is itself ubiquitylated by Rsp5p; controls metal ion transport, prevents metal hyperaccumulation, functions in copper detoxification [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000494] 0.6695825102715052 70 YIL055C Putative protein of unknown function [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001317] 0.6669154460388249 74 YIL122W Nuclear chromatin-associated protein of unknown function; may have a role in cell cycle regulation; overexpression promotes recovery from pheromone induced arrest and suppresses the stress sensitivity caused by a mutation in the E3 ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p; binds upstream of BAR1 and cell cycle-related genes; phsosphoylated form may be ubiquitinated by Dma2p; potential Cdc28p substrate; SBF regulated [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001384] 0.6593214184421583 81 YIL006W Mitochondrial NAD+ transporter; involved in the transport of NAD+ into the mitochondria (see also YEA6); member of the mitochondrial carrier subfamily; disputed role as a pyruvate transporter; has putative mouse and human orthologs; YIA6 has a paralog, YEA6, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001268] 0.6564848950629192 82 YNL098C GTP-binding protein; regulates nitrogen starvation response, sporulation, and filamentous growth; farnesylation and palmitoylation required for activity and localization to plasma membrane; homolog of mammalian Ras proto-oncogenes; RAS2 has a paralog, RAS1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005042] 0.656069053196527 84 YIL097W Subunit of GID complex; involved in proteasome-dependent catabolite inactivation of gluconeogenic enzymes FBPase, PEPCK, and c-MDH; forms dimer with Rmd5p that is then recruited to GID Complex by Gid8p; contains a degenerate RING finger motif needed for GID complex ubiquitin ligase activity in vivo, as well as CTLH and CRA domains; plays role in anti-apoptosis; required for survival upon exposure to K1 killer toxin [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001359] 0.655023139810884 100 YKL005C Negative regulator of transcription elongation; contains a TFIIS-like domain that associates with chromatin and a PHD domain that interacts with H3K4me3; multicopy suppressor of temperature-sensitive ess1 mutations, binds RNA polymerase II large subunit [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001488] 0.6545336400265395 87 YIL077C Putative protein of unknown function; the authentic, non-tagged protein is detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies; deletion confers sensitivity to 4-(N-(S-glutathionylacetyl)amino) phenylarsenoxide (GSAO) [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001339] 0.6522630206995791 88 YPL055C Protein of unknown function; null mutant forms abnormally large cells, and homozygous diploid null mutant displays delayed premeiotic DNA synthesis and reduced efficiency of meiotic nuclear division [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005976] 0.6506463660495002 90 YBR001C Putative neutral trehalase, required for thermotolerance; may mediate resistance to other cellular stresses; NTH2 has a paralog, NTH1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000205] 0.6457716580792761 96