Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr YGR056W Component of the RSC chromatin remodeling complex; required for expression of mid-late sporulation-specific genes; contains two essential bromodomains, a bromo-adjacent homology (BAH) domain, and an AT hook; RSC1 has a paralog, RSC2, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003288] 0.8290331426983371 1 YDR344C Putative protein of unknown function; conserved among S. cerevisiae strains [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002752] 0.7721131539585647 2 YOR029W Putative protein of unknown function; conserved among S. cerevisiae strains; YOR029W is not an essential gene [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005555] 0.7435441439711036 3 YGR057C Subunit of the Lst4p-Lst7p GTPase activating protein complex for Gtr2p; stimulates the GTPase activity of Rag family GTPase Gtr2p, within the context of the Gtr1p-Gtr2p heterodimer, after amino acid stimulation; required for activation of TORC1 in response to amino acid stimulation; recruited to the vacuolar membrane during amino acid starvation and released from the membrane by TORC1; required for the transport of amino acid permease Gap1p from the Golgi to the cell surface [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003289] 0.7152697530439865 4 YBR007C Deletion suppressor of mpt5 mutation; relocalizes from bud neck to cytoplasm upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000211] 0.7127782397287566 13 YPL241C GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Cin4p; tubulin folding factor C involved in beta-tubulin (Tub2p) folding; mutants display increased chromosome loss and benomyl sensitivity; human homolog RP2 complements yeast null mutant [Source:SGD;Acc:S000006162] 0.7024101148420628 6 YCR100C Putative protein of unknown function [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000697] 0.7014573855477757 8 YGR212W N-acetyltransferase; confers resistance to the sphingolipid biosynthesis inhibitor myriocin (ISP-1) by converting it into N-acetyl-myriocin, co-operates with Ypk1p in mediating resistance to myriocin [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003444] 0.6997612911976562 8 YLR111W Putative protein of unknown function; conserved across S. cerevisiae strains [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004101] 0.6848781824540872 9 YGR058W Penta-EF-hand protein; required for polar bud growth and cell wall abscission; binds calcium and zinc with different affinity; localizes to bud site in G1, bud neck in G2; binds to Sec31p and modulates COPII coat assembly [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003290] 0.6607752186357905 12 YCR101C Putative protein of unknown function; localizes to the membrane fraction; YCR101C is not an essential gene [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000698] 0.6419033662270104 15 YOR298W Protein of unknown function involved in outer spore wall organization; has similarity to the tafazzins superfamily of acyltransferases [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005824] 0.6410649202025663 14 YLR215C Assembly factor for the eIF2 translation initiation factor complex; regulates translational initiation; conserved residues of this ATP-Grasp protein that bind to ATP-Mg2+ in the pombe ortholog are required for complex assembly in budding yeast; interaction with eIF2 subunit Gcd11p facilitates complex assembly and activity; required for the START transition and timely progression through G2; regulated by nutrient availability; human ortholog complements the yeast mutant [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004205] 0.6313347754543086 58 YDR257C Ribosomal lysine methyltransferase; specific for monomethylation of Rpl42ap and Rpl42bp (lysine 55); nuclear SET-domain containing protein [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002665] 0.6243710920408474 17 YOL117W Subunit of the COP9 signalosome (CSN) complex; this complex cleaves the ubiquitin-like protein Nedd8 from SCF ubiquitin ligases; plays a role in the mating pheromone response [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005477] 0.6143753659301758 58 YBL065W Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data; partially overlaps verified ORF SEF1/YBL066C; YBL065W is a non-essential gene [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000161] 0.6092391827490484 19 YOR154W Glycosylated integral ER membrane protein of unknown function; forms an ER-membrane associated protein complex with Emp65p; member of the SUN-like family of proteins; genetic interactions suggest a role in folding of ER membrane proteins; required for nuclear envelope localization of Mps3p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005680] 0.6071809818608987 45 YCR022C Putative protein of unknown function; conserved among S. cerevisiae strains; YCR022C is not an essential gene [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000616] 0.6061941835734823 21 YDR532C Subunit of a kinetochore-microtubule binding complex; complex bridges centromeric heterochromatin and kinetochore MAPs and motors; required for sister chromatid bi-orientation and kinetochore binding of SAC components; complex also includes Spc105p; modified by sumoylation [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002940] 0.6056135549441023 88 YFR054C Putative protein of unknown function; conserved among S. cerevisiae strains [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001950] 0.6009300204598038 23 YBR098W Subunit of structure-specific Mms4p-Mus81p endonuclease; cleaves branched DNA; involved in recombination, DNA repair, and joint molecule formation/resolution during meiotic recombination; phosphorylation of the non-catalytic subunit Mms4p by Cdc28p and Cdc5p during mitotic cell cycle activates the function of Mms4p-Mus81p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000302] 0.5980642670573313 26 YNL008C Subunit of the inner nuclear membrane Asi ubiquitin ligase complex; Asi complex targets both misfolded proteins of the inner nuclear membrane-associated degradation (INMAD) pathway and regulators of sterol biosynthesis for ubiquitin-mediated degradation; acts with Asi1p and Asi2p to ensure the fidelity of SPS-sensor signaling by targeting latent unprocessed forms of Stp1p and Stp2p, maintaining the repressed state of gene expression in the absence of inducing amino acids [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004953] 0.5931602246260643 25 YHR177W Putative transcription factor containing a WOPR domain; binds DNA in vitro; similar to C. albicans Wor1p transcription factor that regulates white-opaque switching; overexpression causes a cell cycle delay or arrest [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001220] 0.5879607192622665 27 YPL025C Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005946] 0.584335084461706 29 YDR108W Component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex III; TRAPPIII is a multimeric guanine nucleotide-exchange factor for the GTPase Ypt1p, regulating endosome-Golgi traffic and required for membrane expansion during autophagy and the CVT pathway; directs Ypt1p to the PAS; late post-replication meiotic role [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002515] 0.5754543686923439 72 YDR066C Protein of unknown function; exhibits genetic interactions with Rtr1p; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm; YDR066C is not an essential gene; relocalizes from nucleus to cytoplasmic foci upon DNA replication stress; RTR2 has a paralog, RTR1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002473] 0.5734779347431537 38 YLL063C Acetyltransferase; catalyzes trichothecene 3-O-acetylation, suggesting a possible role in trichothecene biosynthesis [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003986] 0.5728691830026734 33 YIL025C Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001287] 0.5728015867775221 34 YNL028W Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004973] 0.5720428221920489 35 YER104W Protein with a role in regulation of Ty1 transposition [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000906] 0.56053967035146 37 YDR501W Putative transcription factor, contains Forkhead Associated domain; found associated with chromatin; target of SBF transcription factor; induced in response to DNA damaging agents and deletion of telomerase; PLM2 has a paralog, TOS4, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002909] 0.5537910615453625 42 YDR065W Protein of unknown function; required for vacuolar acidification and mitochondrial genome maintenance; the authentic, non-tagged protein is detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002472] 0.5516006688117064 99 YHR176W Flavin-containing monooxygenase; localized to the cytoplasmic face of the ER membrane; catalyzes oxidation of biological thiols to maintain the ER redox buffer ratio for correct folding of disulfide-bonded proteins [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001219] 0.5221155974550515 47 YGR107W Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003339] 0.5200081521292252 50 YNL105W Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data; partially overlaps verified gene INP52; identified in a screen for mutants with decreased levels of rDNA transcription [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005049] 0.5174469167387633 52 YCR099C Putative protein of unknown function [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000696] 0.5172289345305332 54 YCL027W Membrane protein localized to the shmoo tip; required for cell fusion; expression regulated by mating pheromone; proposed to coordinate signaling, fusion, and polarization events required for fusion; potential Cdc28p substrate [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000532] 0.5169635853979302 55 YDR215C Putative protein of unknown function; conserved across S. cerevisiae strains; null mutant displays elevated sensitivity to expression of a mutant huntingtin fragment or of alpha-synuclein [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002623] 0.5153690210686839 57 YIL141W Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001403] 0.5141869137690841 58 YDR048C Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data; partially overlaps ORF VMS1/YDR049W [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002455] 0.5082879899633774 63 YDR107C Protein with a role in cellular adhesion and filamentous growth; similar to Tmn3p; member of the evolutionarily conserved Transmembrane Nine family of proteins with nine membrane-spanning segments; TMN2 has a paralog, EMP70, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002514] 0.5051054606211639 85 YHR213W-B Pseudogenic fragment with similarity to flocculins; identified by gene-trapping, microarray-based expression analysis, and genome-wide homology searching; YHR213W-B has a paralog, YAR064W, that arose from a segmental duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000028652] 0.4918089382730462 71 YHR212C Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data; YHR212C has a paralog, YAR060C, that arose from a segmental duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001255] 0.48545098311990825 75 YAR060C Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data; YAR060C has a paralog, YHR212C, that arose from a segmental duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000086] 0.48545098311990825 76 YOR297C Component of the mitochondrial TIM22 complex; involved in insertion of polytopic proteins into the inner membrane; may mediate assembly or stability of the complex [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005823] 0.4841950771240059 77 YNL198C Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005142] 0.4836046965648359 78 YPL189W Probable membrane protein; possible role in proton symport of glycerol; member of the MBOAT family of putative membrane-bound O-acyltransferases; homolog of the mammalian Hedgehog pathway modulator HHAT; GUP2 has a paralog, GUP1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000006110] 0.4831480039628859 79 YHL041W Putative protein of unknown function; conserved across S. cerevisiae strains [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001033] 0.4829509148280532 80 YJL182C Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data; partially overlaps uncharacterized ORF YJL181W [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003718] 0.4783206258864566 83 YHR213W Pseudogenic fragment with similarity to flocculins; YHR213W has a paralog, YAR062W, that arose from a segmental duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001256] 0.47823972153230115 84 YBL073W Dubious open reading frame; unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence data; partially overlaps the essential gene AAR2/YBL074C [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000169] 0.4772687582690714 86 YMR317W Putative protein of unknown function; has some similarity to sialidase from Trypanosoma; YMR317W is not an essential gene [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004936] 0.4639500321034712 97