Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr YDR301W RNA-binding subunit of the mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation factor; involved in poly(A) site recognition and required for both pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation, 51% sequence similarity with mammalian AAUAA-binding subunit of CPSF [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002709] 0.8857861262159301 20 YML049C Protein involved in pre-mRNA splicing; component of the pre-spliceosome; associates with U2 snRNA; involved in ER to Golgi transport [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004513] 0.8832482960270565 6 YMR231W Histone E3 ligase, component of CORVET membrane tethering complex; peripheral vacuolar membrane protein required for protein trafficking and vacuole biogenesis; interacts with Pep7p; involved in ubiquitination and degradation of excess histones [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004844] 0.878245272190005 3 YDR159W mRNA export factor; required for biogenesis of the small ribosomal subunit; component of TREX-2 complex (Sac3p-Thp1p-Sus1p-Cdc31p) involved in transcription elongation and mRNA export from the nucleus; involved in post-transcriptional tethering of active genes to the nuclear periphery and to non-nascent mRNP; similar to the human germinal center-associated nuclear protein (GANP) [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002566] 0.878127682348869 13 YGL151W Component of the RNA polymerase II mediator complex; mediator is required for transcriptional activation and also has a role in basal transcription [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003119] 0.8760533146229428 9 YCR042C TFIID subunit (150 kDa); involved in RNA polymerase II transcription initiation [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000638] 0.8728955834530867 6 YKL092C GTPase activating factor for Rsr1p/Bud1p; plays a role in spindle position checkpoint distinct from its role in bud site selection; required for both axial and bipolar budding patterns; mutants exhibit random budding in all cell types; contains two PH-like domains [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001575] 0.8724372962944076 7 YPR189W Ski complex component and TPR protein; mediates 3'-5' RNA degradation by the cytoplasmic exosome; null mutants have superkiller phenotype of increased viral dsRNAs and are synthetic lethal with mutations in 5'-3' mRNA decay; mutations in the human ortholog, TTC37, causes Syndromic diarrhea/Trichohepatoenteric (SD/THE) syndrome [Source:SGD;Acc:S000006393] 0.8687208268115872 38 YNL139C Subunit of the THO complex; THO is required for efficient transcription elongation and involved in transcriptional elongation-associated recombination; required for LacZ RNA expression from certain plasmids [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005083] 0.8665713065946241 55 YGL150C ATPase and nucleosome spacing factor; subunit of complex containing actin and actin-related proteins that has chromatin remodeling activity and 3' to 5' DNA helicase activity in vitro; promotes nucleosome shifts in the 3 prime direction; has a role in modulating stress gene transcription [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003118] 0.8648227239264288 13 YNR031C MAP kinase kinase kinase of HOG1 mitogen-activated signaling pathway; interacts with Ssk1p, leading to autophosphorylation and activation of Ssk2p which phosphorylates Pbs2p; also mediates actin cytoskeleton recovery from osmotic stress; a HOG-independent function of Ssk2p mediates the calcium-sensitive phenotype of the ptp2 msg5 double disruptant; SSK2 has a paralog, SSK22, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005314] 0.860733898925927 25 YDR138W Subunit of THO/TREX complexes; this complex couple transcription elongation with mitotic recombination and with mRNA metabolism and export, subunit of an RNA Pol II complex; regulates lifespan; involved in telomere maintenance; similar to Top1p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002545] 0.8600577447950948 12 YCR092C Mismatch repair protein; forms dimers with Msh2p that mediate repair of insertion or deletion mutations and removal of nonhomologous DNA ends, contains a PCNA (Pol30p) binding motif required for genome stability [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000688] 0.8588714435895141 13 YMR162C Trans-golgi network aminophospholipid translocase (flippase); type 4 P-type ATPase; involved in phospholipid translocation, contributing to the maintenance of membrane lipid asymmetry in post-Golgi secretory vesicles; role in protein trafficking between the Golgi and endosomal system; localizes to the trans-Golgi network; localizes to the shmoo tip where it has a redundant role in the cellular response to mating pheromone [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004772] 0.8575437100852764 52 YLR071C Subunit of the RNA polymerase II mediator complex; associates with core polymerase subunits to form the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme; required for glucose repression, HO repression, RME1 repression and sporulation [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004061] 0.8570033504949377 34 YJL095W MAPKKK acting in the protein kinase C signaling pathway; the kinase C signaling pathway controls cell integrity; upon activation by Pkc1p phosphorylates downstream kinases Mkk1p and Mkk2p; MAPKKK is an acronym for mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase kinase [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003631] 0.855903668529788 20 YGR134W Subunit of the CCR4-NOT transcriptional regulatory complex; CCR4-NOT complex is evolutionarily-conserved and involved in controlling mRNA initiation, elongation, and degradation [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003366] 0.8551627326357129 17 YMR218C Component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex II; TRAPPII is a multimeric guanine nucleotide-exchange factor for the GTPase Ypt1p, regulating intra-Golgi and endosome-Golgi traffic [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004831] 0.853431607511107 18 YOR191W Swi2/Snf2-related translocase, SUMO-Targeted Ubiquitin Ligase (STUbL); required for maintenance of NHEJ inhibition at telomeres; functions at telomeres to translocate and ubiquitinylate poly-sumoylated Rap1p for proteosomal degradation; plays role in antagonizing silencing during mating-type switching; only known STUbL with a translocase activity; contains RING finger domain; relocalizes from nucleus to cytoplasm upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005717] 0.8529177465830022 36 YBL104C Subunit of SEACAT, a subcomplex of the SEA complex; Sea4p, along with Rtc1p and Mtc5p, redundantly inhibit the TORC1 inhibitory role of the Iml1p/SEACIT (Iml1p-Npr2p-Npr3p) subcomplex, a GAP for GTPase Gtr1p (EGOC subunit) in response to amino acid limitation, thereby resulting in activation of TORC1 signaling; SEA is a coatomer-related complex that associates dynamically with the vacuole; contains an N-terminal beta-propeller fold and a C-terminal RING motif [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000200] 0.8528979203013711 20 YJL197W Ubiquitin-specific protease; cleaves ubiquitin from ubiquitinated proteins; present in the nucleus and cytoplasm [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003733] 0.8504549127498318 21 YDR407C Component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex II; TRAPPII is a multimeric guanine nucleotide-exchange factor for the GTPase Ypt1p, regulating intra-Golgi and endosome-Golgi traffic [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002815] 0.8464343343162228 48 YGL133W Subunit of ATP-dependent Isw2p-Itc1p chromatin remodeling complex; required for repression of a-specific genes, repression of early meiotic genes during mitotic growth, and repression of INO1; similar to mammalian Acf1p, the regulatory subunit of the mammalian ATP-utilizing chromatin assembly and modifying factor (ACF) complex; ITC1 has a paralog, YPL216W, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003101] 0.8455832656392036 23 YDR141C Golgi-localized, leucine-zipper domain containing protein; involved in endosome to Golgi transport, organization of the ER, establishing cell polarity, and morphogenesis; detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002548] 0.8454126705214503 52 YBL105C Protein serine/threonine kinase; essential for cell wall remodeling during growth; localized to sites of polarized growth and the mother-daughter bud neck; homolog of the alpha, beta, and gamma isoforms of mammalian protein kinase C (PKC) [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000201] 0.8445108585165163 37 YLR419W Putative helicase with limited sequence similarity to human Rb protein; the authentic, non-tagged protein is detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies; YLR419W is not an essential gene [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004411] 0.844319917016751 34 YOR093C Putative protein of unknown function; deletion causes sensitivity to unfolded protein response-inducing agents [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005619] 0.8440210217089809 41 YMR109W One of two type I myosin motors; contains proline-rich tail homology 2 (TH2) and SH3 domains; MYO5 deletion has little effect on growth, but myo3 myo5 double deletion causes severe defects in growth and actin cytoskeleton organization; MYO5 has a paralog, MYO3, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004715] 0.8438974088866396 28 YPR055W Essential 121 kDa subunit of the exocyst complex; the exocyst mediates polarized targeting and tethering of post-Golgi secretory vesicles to active sites of exocytosis at the plasma membrane prior to SNARE-mediated fusion; involved in ER and Golgi inheritance in small buds; relocalizes away from bud neck upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000006259] 0.8427862313731039 30 YLR039C Protein involved in retrograde transport to the cis-Golgi network; forms heterodimer with Rgp1p that acts as a GTP exchange factor for Ypt6p; involved in transcription of rRNA and ribosomal protein genes [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004029] 0.841365182754003 30 YOR290C Catalytic subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex; involved in transcriptional regulation; contains DNA-stimulated ATPase activity; functions interdependently in transcriptional activation with Snf5p and Snf6p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005816] 0.8406603142985288 31 YLR115W Subunit of the mRNA cleavage and polyadenlylation factor (CPF); required for pre-mRNA cleavage, polyadenylation and poly(A) site recognition, 43% similarity with the mammalian CPSF-100 protein. [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004105] 0.8400529376518696 32 YHR164C Tripartite DNA replication factor; single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase, ATP-dependent nuclease, helicase; tracking protein for flap cleavage during Okazaki fragment maturation; involved in DNA repair/processing of meiotic DNA double strand breaks; component of telomeric chromatin with cell-cycle dependent localization; required for telomerase-dependent telomere synthesis; forms nuclear foci upon DNA replication stress; human homolog DNA2 complements yeast dna2 mutant [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001207] 0.838978838230998 33 YOL004W Component of both the Rpd3S and Rpd3L histone deacetylase complexes; involved in transcriptional repression and activation of diverse processes, including mating-type switching and meiosis; involved in the maintenance of chromosomal integrity [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005364] 0.8370171385322218 62 YKL203C PIK-related protein kinase and rapamycin target; subunit of TORC1, a complex that regulates growth in response to nutrients and TORC2, a complex that regulates cell-cycle dependent polarization of the actin cytoskeleton; involved in meiosis; TOR2 has a paralog, TOR1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001686] 0.8352677735671779 64 YLR310C Membrane bound guanine nucleotide exchange factor; also known as a GEF or GDP-release factor; indirectly regulates adenylate cyclase through activation of Ras1p and Ras2p by stimulating the exchange of GDP for GTP; required for progression through G1; thermosensitivity of the cdc25-5 mutant is functionally complemented by human RASGRF1 or by a fragment of human SOS1 comprising the CDC25-related catalytic domain [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004301] 0.8351425740163256 36 YCR033W Subunit of the Set3C deacetylase complex; interacts directly with the Set3C subunit, Sif2p; putative DNA-binding protein; mutant has increased aneuploidy tolerance; relocalizes to the cytosol in response to hypoxia [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000629] 0.8347186374265917 53 YMR047C FG-nucleoporin component of central core of the nuclear pore complex; contributes directly to nucleocytoplasmic transport and maintenance of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) permeability barrier; forms a stable association with Nup82p, Gle2p and two other FG-nucleoporins (Nsp1p and Nup159p); NUP116 has a paralog, NUP100, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004650] 0.8340533077989221 38 YER172C RNA-dependent ATPase RNA helicase (DEIH box); required for disruption of U4/U6 base-pairing in native snRNPs to activate the spliceosome for catalysis; homologous to human U5-200kD [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000974] 0.8338634998425339 59 YDR283C Protein kinase; phosphorylates the alpha-subunit of translation initiation factor eIF2 (Sui2p) in response to starvation; activated by uncharged tRNAs and the Gcn1p-Gcn20p complex; contributes to DNA damage checkpoint control [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002691] 0.8332697927144825 81 YGR170W Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase of the Golgi and vacuolar membranes; converts phosphatidylserine to phosphatidylethanolamine; controls vacuolar membrane phospholipid content by regulating phospholipids in compartments that will eventually give rise to the vacuole; loss of Psd2p causes a specific reduction in vacuolar membrane PE levels while total PE levels are not significantly affected [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003402] 0.833053658116251 41 YOR304W ATP-dependent DNA translocase involved in chromatin remodeling; ATPase component that, with Itc1p, forms a complex required for repression of a-specific genes, INO1, and early meiotic genes during mitotic growth; the Isw2 complex exhibits basal levels of chromatin binding throughout the genome as well as target-specific chromatin interactions; targeted by Ume6p- and Sua7p-dependent DNA looping to many loci genome-wide [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005831] 0.8323944038257272 42 YER013W DEAH-box RNA-dependent ATPase/ATP-dependent RNA helicase; associates with lariat intermediates before the second catalytic step of splicing; mediates ATP-dependent mRNA release from the spliceosome and unwinds RNA duplexes; required for proofreading the exon ligation reaction [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000815] 0.8293997751004191 43 YGL207W Subunit of the heterodimeric FACT complex (Spt16p-Pob3p); FACT associates with chromatin via interaction with Nhp6Ap and Nhp6Bp, and reorganizes nucleosomes to facilitate access to DNA by RNA and DNA polymerases; specifically required for diauxic shift-induced H2B deposition onto rDNA genes; mutations cause reduced nucleosome occupancy over highly transcribed regions; coregulates transcription with Mot1p through preinitiation complex assembly and nucleosome organization [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003175] 0.8289567998492556 44 YOL145C Component of the Paf1p complex involved in transcription elongation; binds to and modulates the activity of RNA polymerases I and II; required for expression of a subset of genes, including cyclin genes; involved in SER3 repression by helping to maintain SRG1 transcription-dependent nucleosome occupancy; contains TPR repeats [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005505] 0.8282814610060767 45 YEL022W Guanine nucleotide exchange factor for ADP ribosylation factors (ARFs); involved in vesicular transport between the Golgi and ER, Golgi organization, and actin cytoskeleton organization; GEA2 has a paralog, GEA1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000748] 0.8277482081173051 65 YJL207C AP-1 accessory protein; colocalizes with clathrin to the late-Golgi apparatus; involved in TGN-endosome transport; physically interacts with AP-1; similar to the mammalian p200; may interact with ribosomes; YJL207C is a non-essential gene [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003743] 0.8277013560684606 64 YOR151C RNA polymerase II second largest subunit B150; part of central core; similar to bacterial beta subunit [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005677] 0.8275584089390637 48 YJL129C Component of the Trk1p-Trk2p potassium transport system; 180 kDa high affinity potassium transporter; phosphorylated in vivo and interacts physically with the phosphatase Ppz1p, suggesting Trk1p acitivy is regulated by phosphorylation; TRK1 has a paralog, TRK2, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003665] 0.8273005126985303 52 YLR277C Endoribonuclease; subunit of the mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation specificity complex; required for 3' processing, splicing, and transcriptional termination of mRNAs and snoRNAs; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress; YSH1 has a paralog, SYC1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004267] 0.8266468562173144 50 YHR165C Component of U4/U6-U5 snRNP complex; involved in second catalytic step of splicing; participates in spliceosomal assembly through its interaction with U1 snRNA; largest and most evolutionarily conserved protein of the spliceosome; mutations in human ortholog, PRPF8, cause Retinitis pigmentosa and missplicing in Myelodysplastic syndrome; mouse ortholog interacts with androgen receptor and may have a role in prostate cancer [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001208] 0.8252364990662036 68 YFR031C Subunit of the condensin complex; condensin reorganizes chromosomes during both mitosis and meiosis; essential SMC chromosomal ATPase family member that forms a subcomplex with Smc2p that has ATP-hydrolyzing and DNA-binding activity, but other condensin subunits are required for chromatin binding; required for clustering of tRNA genes at the nucleolus [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001927] 0.8251374275130474 52 YHR079C Serine-threonine kinase and endoribonuclease; transmembrane protein that mediates the unfolded protein response (UPR) by regulating Hac1p synthesis through HAC1 mRNA splicing; role in homeostatic adaptation to ER stress; Kar2p binds inactive Ire1p and releases from it upon ER stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001121] 0.8246294516804716 53 YAL029C Type V myosin motor involved in actin-based transport of cargos; required for mRNA transport, including ASH1 mRNA, and facilitating the growth and movement of ER tubules into the growing bud along with She3p; MYO4 has a paralog, MYO2, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000027] 0.8245168598789948 69 YNL297C Protein with a role in endocytosis and vacuole integrity; peripheral membrane protein; interacts with and negatively regulates Arl1p; localizes to the endosome; member of the Sec7p family of proteins [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005241] 0.8242798373949375 84 YER093C Subunit of TORC2 (Tor2p-Lst8p-Avo1-Avo2-Tsc11p-Bit61p); TORC2 is a membrane-associated complex that regulates actin cytoskeletal dynamics during polarized growth and cell wall integrity; involved in sphingolipid metabolism; contains a RasGEFN domain [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000895] 0.823119736332568 56 YML111W Component of the Rsp5p E3-ubiquitin ligase complex; involved in intracellular amino acid permease sorting, functions in heat shock element mediated gene expression, essential for growth in stress conditions; BUL2 has a paralog, BUL1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004579] 0.8229527131495727 57 YNL118C Catalytic subunit of Dcp1p-Dcp2p decapping enzyme complex; removes 5' cap structure from mRNAs prior to their degradation; also enters nucleus and positively regulates transcription initiation; nudix hydrolase family member; forms cytoplasmic foci upon DNA replication stress; human homolog DCP2 complements yeast dcp2 thermosensitive mutant [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005062] 0.8222723264018366 58 YCR093W Subunit of the CCR4-NOT1 core complex; this complex has multiple roles in the regulation of mRNA levels including regulation of transcription and destabilization of mRNA by deadenylation; basal transcription factor that increases initiation and elongation; activates the ATPase activity of Dhh1p, resulting in processing body disassembly [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000689] 0.8219312076486374 67 YDR351W Protein required for bud growth; involved in transport of cell wall components from the Golgi to the cell surface; SBE2 has a paralog, SBE22, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002759] 0.8210422794735099 60 YIL038C Component of the CCR4-NOT core complex, involved in mRNA decapping; involved in transcription initiation and elongation and in mRNA degradation; conserved lysine in human homolog of Not3p and Not5p is mutated in cancers [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001300] 0.8206781019411038 61 YOR330C Mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma; single subunit of mitochondrial DNA polymerase in yeast, in contrast to metazoan complex of catalytic and accessory subunits; polymorphic in yeast, petites occur more frequently in some lab strains; human ortholog POLG complements yeast mip1 mutant; mutations in human POLG associated with Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome (AHS), progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO), parkinsonism, other mitochondrial diseases [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005857] 0.8202493421581598 62 YMR207C Mitochondrial acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase; catalyzes production of malonyl-CoA in mitochondrial fatty acid biosynthesis; relocalizes from mitochondrion to cytoplasm upon DNA replication stress; genetic and comparative analysis suggests that translation begins at a non-canonical (Ile) start codon at -372 relative to the annotated start codon [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004820] 0.8196785265651599 63 YGL092W Essential protein with distinct roles in two nuclear pore subcomplexes; catalyzes its own proteolytic cleavage in vivo to generate a C-terminal fragment that is a structural component of the Nup84p subcomplex (with roles in NPC biogenesis and localization of genes to the nuclear periphery), and an N-terminal fragment that is one of several FG-nucleoporins within the NPC central core directly responsible for nucleocytoplasmic transport; homologous to human NUP98 [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003060] 0.8191138101188828 100 YLR422W Dock family protein (Dedicator Of CytoKinesis), homolog of human DOCK1; upstream component for regulation through the small GTPase Rho5p; may form a complex with Lmo1p that acts as a GEF for Rho5p; interacts with Ino4p; cytoplasmic protein that relocates to mitochondria under oxidative stress; implicated in mitophagy; not an essential protein; DOCK proteins act as guanine nucleotide exchange factors [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004414] 0.8182798454208619 77 YER008C Subunit of the exocyst complex; the exocyst mediates polarized targeting and tethering of post-Golgi secretory vesicles to sites of exocytosis prior to SNARE-mediated fusion; PtdIns[4,5]P2-binding protein that localizes to exocytic sites in a Rho1p-dependent, actin-independent manner, targeting and anchoring the exocyst to the plasma membrane with Exo70p; direct GTP Rho1p effector; required for ER inheritance; relocalizes away from bud neck upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000810] 0.8175334113486883 66 YER105C Subunit of the inner ring of the nuclear pore complex (NPC); contributes to NPC assembly and tethering of DNA to the nuclear periphery; both Nup170p and NUP157p are similar to human Nup155p; NUP157 has a paralog, NUP170, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000907] 0.8170755978862412 67 YKR064W Putative transcriptional repressor with Zn(2)-Cys(6) finger; negatively regulates transcription in response to oleate levels, based on mutant phenotype and localization to oleate-responsive promoters; the authentic, non-tagged protein is detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies; forms nuclear foci upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001772] 0.8162338117199542 68 YOR109W Polyphosphatidylinositol phosphatase; dephosphorylates multiple phosphatidylinositol phosphates; involved in trans Golgi network-to-early endosome pathway; hyperosmotic stress causes translocation to actin patches; contains Sac1 and 5-ptase domains; INP53 has a paralog, INP52, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005635] 0.8160128501198082 69 YDR457W E3 ubiquitin ligase of the hect-domain class; has a role in mRNA export from the nucleus and may regulate transcriptional coactivators; involved in degradation of excess histones; interacts with Dia2p and is required for Dia2p degradation; required to target Cdc6p for ubiquitin-mediated destruction during G1 phase [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002865] 0.8140075087636917 75 YDR128W Subunit of SEACAT, a subcomplex of the SEA complex; Mtc1p, along with Rtc1p and Sea4p, redundantly inhibit the TORC1 inhibitory role of the Iml1p/SEACIT (Iml1p-Npr2p-Npr3p) subcomplex, a GAP for GTPase Gtr1p (EGOC subunit) in response to amino acid limitation, thereby resulting in activation of TORC1 signaling; SEA is a coatomer-related complex that associates dynamically with the vacuole; relative distribution to the vacuolar membrane decreases upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002535] 0.8138122177019782 71 YPL085W COPII vesicle coat protein required for ER transport vesicle budding; essential factor in endoplasmic reticulum exit site (ERES) formation, as well as in COPII-mediated ER-to-Golgi traffic; bound to periphery of ER membranes and may act to stabilize initial COPII complexes; interacts with Sec23p, Sec24p and Sec31p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000006006] 0.8137242465330365 72 YOR160W Nuclear import receptor; mediates the nuclear localization of proteins involved in mRNA-nucleus export; promotes dissociation of mRNAs from the nucleus-cytoplasm mRNA shuttling protein Npl3p; required for retrograde import of mature tRNAs; relocalizes from cytoplasm to the nuclear periphery upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005686] 0.8132450390747682 73 YBL034C Component of the mitotic spindle; binds to interpolar microtubules via its association with beta-tubulin (Tub2p); required for interpolar microtubules to provide an outward force on the spindle poles [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000130] 0.8120950938597389 74 YBL037W Alpha-adaptin; large subunit of the clathrin associated protein complex (AP-2); involved in vesicle mediated transport [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000133] 0.8120034705733193 75 YGL131C Subunit of Snt2C complex, RING finger ubiquitin ligase (E3); physically associates with Ecm5p and Rpd3p; along with Ecm5p, recruits Rpd3p to small number of promoters; colocalizes with Ecm5p, independently of Rpd3p, to promoters of stress response genes upon oxidative stress; involved in ubiquitination, degradation of excess histones; interacts with Ubc4p; role in regulating genes encoding amine transporters; relocalizes from nucleus to cytoplasm upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003099] 0.8110102366369969 76 YJR090C F-box protein component of an SCF ubiquitin-ligase complex; modular substrate specificity factor which associates with core SCF (Cdc53p, Skp1p and Hrt1p/Rbx1p) to form the SCF(Grr1) complex; SCF(Grr1) acts as a ubiquitin-protein ligase directing ubiquitination of substrates such as: Gic2p, Mks1p, Mth1p, Cln1p, Cln2p and Cln3p; involved in carbon catabolite repression, glucose-dependent divalent cation transport, glucose transport, morphogenesis, and sulfite detoxification [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003850] 0.8109842099384784 77 YIL128W Component of cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly (CIA) machinery; acts at a late step of Fe-S cluster assembly; forms the CIA targeting complex with Cia1p and Cia2p that directs Fe-S cluster incorporation into a subset of proteins involved in methionine biosynthesis, DNA replication and repair, transcription, and telomere maintenance; ortholog of human MMS19 [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001390] 0.8106259323472492 79 YNL127W Protein involved in recovery from cell cycle arrest; acts in response to pheromone; also involved in regulation of intra-S DNA damage checkpoint and autophagy; is essential for dephosphorylation of Atg13p; interacts with Far3p, Far7p, Far8p, Far9p, Far10p and with the phosphatases Pph21p, Pph22p and Pph3p; has similarity to the N- and C-termini of N. crassa HAM-2; similar to human Fam40A and Fam40B [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005071] 0.8105858068165644 79 YLR187W Protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cell periphery, cytoplasm, bud, and bud neck; potential Cdc28p substrate; similar to Skg4p; relocalizes from bud neck to cytoplasm upon DNA replication stress; SKG3 has a paralog, CAF120, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004177] 0.8104763795545393 80 YAL041W Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Cdc42p; required for polarity establishment and maintenance, and mutants have morphological defects in bud formation and shmooing; relocalizes from nucleus to cytoplasm upon DNA replication stress; thermosensitivity of the cdc24-4 mutant in the presence of sorbitol is functionally complemented by human CDC42 [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000039] 0.8089405512847964 96 YOR322C Alpha-arrestin involved in ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis; regulates endocytosis of plasma membrane proteins by recruiting the ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p to its targets; involved in the basal internalization and turnover of alpha-factor receptor Ste2p; recruits ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p to Ste2p via its 2 PPXY motifs; inhibited by Npr1p-mediated phosphorylation, which affects translocation between the cytosol and the plasma membrane [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005849] 0.8086967044615013 82 YNL021W Putative catalytic subunit of a class II histone deacetylase complex; role in azole resistance via Hsp90p, and in the heat shock response; Hda1p interacts with the Hda2p-Hda3p subcomplex to form an active tetramer; deletion increases histone H2B, H3 and H4 acetylation; other members of the HDA1 histone deacetylase complex are Hda2p and Hda3p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004966] 0.8085732384184781 84 YDR227W SIR protein involved in assembly of silent chromatin domains; silent information regulator (SIR) along with SIR2 and SIR3; involved in assembly of silent chromatin domains at telomeres and the silent mating-type loci; some alleles of SIR4 prolong lifespan; required for telomere hypercluster formation in quiescent yeast cells [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002635] 0.8083881856234808 85 YMR216C SR protein kinase (SRPK); involved in regulating proteins involved in mRNA metabolism and cation homeostasis; similar to human SRPK1 [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004829] 0.8077929955366727 86 YBL097W Subunit of the condensin complex; required for chromosome condensation and for clustering of tRNA genes at the nucleolus; may influence multiple aspects of chromosome transmission [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000193] 0.8076365427744746 87 YPR089W Protein of unknown function; exhibits genetic interaction with ERG11 and protein-protein interaction with Hsp82p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000006293] 0.8073075418411639 88 YKL101W Nim1p-related protein kinase; septin-binding kinase that localizes to the bud neck septin ring and regulates the morphogenesis checkpoint; phosphorylates Hsl7p and cooperates with Elm1p to recruit Hsl7p to the mother-bud neck, as a prerequisite for the subsequent recruitment, phosphorylation, and degradation of Swe1p; autophosphorylation enhances interactions with Hsl7p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001584] 0.8064248351870932 89 YLR024C Cytoplasmic ubiquitin-protein ligase (E3); component of the Mub1p-Ubr2p-Rad6p ubiquitin ligase complex required for the ubiquitination and degradation of Rpn4p; mediates formation of the ternary complex [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004014] 0.8058727781116304 90 YDL190C Ubiquitin chain assembly factor (E4); cooperates with a ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1), a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2), and a ubiquitin protein ligase (E3) to conjugate ubiquitin to substrates; also functions as an E3 [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002349] 0.8054530173535521 91 YMR190C RecQ family nucleolar DNA helicase; role in genome integrity maintenance, chromosome synapsis, meiotic joint molecule/crossover formation; stimulates activity of Top3p; rapidly lost in response to rapamycin in Rrd1p-dependent manner; forms nuclear foci upon DNA replication stress; yeast SGS1 complements mutations in human homolog BLM implicated in Bloom syndrome; also similar to human WRN implicated in Werner syndrome; human BLM and WRN can each complement yeast null mutant [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004802] 0.8047511665761591 92 YCR081W Subunit of the RNA polymerase II mediator complex; associates with core polymerase subunits to form the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme; essential for transcriptional regulation; involved in glucose repression [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000677] 0.8044199649529407 93 YNL273W Subunit of a replication-pausing checkpoint complex; Tof1p-Mrc1p-Csm3p acts at the stalled replication fork to promote sister chromatid cohesion after DNA damage, facilitating gap repair of damaged DNA; interacts with the MCM helicase; relocalizes to the cytosol in response to hypoxia [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005217] 0.8042921653118058 94 YBR081C Subunit of the SAGA transcriptional regulatory complex; involved in proper assembly of the complex; also present as a C-terminally truncated form in the SLIK/SALSA transcriptional regulatory complex [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000285] 0.804176264981323 95 YCR032W Protein homologous to Chediak-Higashi syndrome and Beige proteins; both of which are implicated in disease syndromes in human and mouse, respectively, due to defective lysosomal trafficking; mutant phenotype and genetic interactions suggest a role in protein sorting [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000628] 0.803973427270906 100 YDR027C Component of the GARP (Golgi-associated retrograde protein) complex; GARP is required for the recycling of proteins from endosomes to the late Golgi, and for mitosis after DNA damage induced checkpoint arrest; potentially phosphorylated by Cdc28p; members of the GARP complex are Vps51p-Vps52p-Vps53p-Vps54p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002434] 0.8038351159141562 97 YNL267W Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase; catalyzes first step in the biosynthesis of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate; may control cytokinesis through the actin cytoskeleton; may control nonselective autophagy and mitophagy through trafficking of Atg9p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005211] 0.8036653158801652 99