Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr YIL026C Subunit of the cohesin complex; which is required for sister chromatid cohesion during mitosis and meiosis and interacts with centromeres and chromosome arms; relocalizes to the cytosol in response to hypoxia; essential for viability [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001288] 0.8886025247437408 1 YJL074C Subunit of the multiprotein cohesin complex; required for sister chromatid cohesion in mitotic cells; also required, with Rec8p, for cohesion and recombination during meiosis; phylogenetically conserved SMC chromosomal ATPase family member [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003610] 0.8577933438656042 2 YFL008W Subunit of the multiprotein cohesin complex; essential protein involved in chromosome segregation and in double-strand DNA break repair; SMC chromosomal ATPase family member, binds DNA with a preference for DNA with secondary structure [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001886] 0.8443252065053342 3 YML061C DNA helicase, potent G-quadruplex DNA binder/unwinder; possesses strand annealing activity; promotes DNA synthesis during break-induced replication; important for crossover recombination; translation from different start sites produces mitochondrial and nuclear forms; nuclear form is a catalytic inhibitor of telomerase; mitochondrial form involved in DNA repair and recombination; mutations affect Zn, Fe homeostasis; regulated by Rad53p-dependent phosphorylation in rho0 cells [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004526] 0.7926315613413439 9 YHR154W Protein implicated in Mms22-dependent DNA repair during S phase; involved in recruiting the SMC5/6 complex to double-strand breaks; DNA damage induces phosphorylation by Mec1p at one or more SQ/TQ motifs; interacts with Mms22p and Slx4p; has four BRCT domains; has a role in regulation of Ty1 transposition; relative distribution to nuclear foci increases upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001197] 0.7913697537299644 6 YCL061C S-phase checkpoint protein required for DNA replication; couples DNA helicase and polymerase; interacts with and stabilizes Pol2p at stalled replication forks during stress, where it forms a pausing complex with Tof1p and is phosphorylated by Mec1p; defines a novel S-phase checkpoint with Hog1p that coordinates DNA replication and transcription upon osmostress; protects uncapped telomeres; Dia2p-dependent degradation mediates checkpoint recovery; mammalian claspin homolog [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000566] 0.7768549413890649 75 YML109W Protein with a role in regulating Swe1p-dependent polarized growth; involved in maintenance of Cdc55p in the cytoplasm where it promotes mitotic entry; interacts with silencing proteins at the telomere; implicated in the mitotic exit network through regulation of Cdc14p localization; ZDS2 has a paralog, ZDS1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004577] 0.7757804569988206 21 YMR078C Subunit of a complex with Ctf8p; shares some subunits with Replication Factor C and is required for sister chromatid cohesion; may have overlapping functions with Rad24p in the DNA damage replication checkpoint [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004683] 0.7740002184024846 32 YDR097C Protein required for mismatch repair in mitosis and meiosis; forms a complex with Msh2p to repair both single-base & insertion-deletion mispairs; also involved in interstrand cross-link repair; potentially phosphorylated by Cdc28p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002504] 0.7705025879649592 38 YNL102W Catalytic subunit of the DNA polymerase I alpha-primase complex; required for the initiation of DNA replication during mitotic DNA synthesis and premeiotic DNA synthesis [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005046] 0.7663128392267815 47 YDR507C Protein kinase involved in bud growth and assembly of the septin ring; proposed to have kinase-dependent and kinase-independent activities; undergoes autophosphorylation; similar to Hsl1p; GIN4 has a paralog, KCC4, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002915] 0.7639273785360284 35 YBL035C B subunit of DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex; required for initiation of DNA replication during mitotic and premeiotic DNA synthesis; also functions in telomere capping and length regulation [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000131] 0.7630970085971279 12 YLR383W Component of the SMC5-SMC6 complex; this complex plays a key role in the removal of X-shaped DNA structures that arise between sister chromatids during DNA replication and repair; homologous to S. pombe rad18 [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004375] 0.7546301114236568 30 YNL088W Topoisomerase II; relieves torsional strain in DNA by cleaving and re-sealing phosphodiester backbone of both positively and negatively supercoiled DNA; cleaves complementary strands; localizes to axial cores in meiosis; required for replication slow zone (RSZ) breakage following Mec1p inactivation; human homolog TOP2A implicated in cancers, and can complement yeast null mutant [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005032] 0.7526925917797427 42 YNL262W Catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase (II) epsilon; a chromosomal DNA replication polymerase that exhibits processivity and proofreading exonuclease activity; participates in leading-strand synthesis during DNA replication; also involved in DNA synthesis during DNA repair; interacts extensively with Mrc1p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005206] 0.7525417191793854 87 YNL082W ATP-binding protein required for mismatch repair; required for both mitosis and meiosis; functions as a heterodimer with Mlh1p; binds double- and single-stranded DNA via its N-terminal domain, similar to E. coli MutL [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005026] 0.7504826124657047 21 YBL063W Kinesin-related motor protein; required for mitotic spindle assembly, chromosome segregation, and 2 micron plasmid partitioning; functionally redundant with Cin8p for chromosomal but not plasmid functions [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000159] 0.7487750131459749 31 YLR103C DNA replication initiation factor; recruited to MCM pre-RC complexes at replication origins; promotes release of MCM from Mcm10p, recruits elongation machinery; binds tightly to ssDNA, which disrupts interaction with the MCM helicase and stalls it during replication stress; mutants in human homolog may cause velocardiofacial and DiGeorge syndromes [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004093] 0.7423105464257219 25 YOR195W Kinetochore-associated protein; required for chromosome segregation and kinetochore clustering; required for normal segregation of chromosomes in meiosis and mitosis; component of the FEAR regulatory network, which promotes Cdc14p release from the nucleolus during anaphase; potential Cdc28p substrate [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005721] 0.7420734336837154 20 YPL209C Aurora kinase of chromosomal passenger complex; mediates release of mono-oriented kinetochores from microtubules in meiosis I, and kinetochore release from SPB clusters at meiotic exit; helps maintain condensed chromosomes during anaphase; required for SPB cohesion and prevention of multipolar spindle formation; promotes telomerase release at G2/M; Iocalizes to nuclear foci that diffuse upon DNA replication stress; required for inhibition of karyopherin Pse1p upon SAC arrest [Source:SGD;Acc:S000006130] 0.7346724433788926 22 YBL009W Protein kinase; along with its paralog, ALK1, required for proper spindle positioning and nuclear segregation following mitotic arrest, proper organization of cell polarity factors in mitosis, proper localization of formins and polarity factors, and survival in cells that activate spindle assembly checkpoint; phosphorylated in response to DNA damage; ALK2 has a paralog, ALK1, that arose from the whole genome duplication; similar to mammalian haspins [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000105] 0.724676812117015 27 YCL024W Protein kinase of the bud neck involved in the septin checkpoint; associates with septin proteins, negatively regulates Swe1p by phosphorylation, shows structural homology to bud neck kinases Gin4p and Hsl1p; KCC4 has a paralog, GIN4, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000529] 0.7194453129204861 30 YML065W Largest subunit of the origin recognition complex; involved in directing DNA replication by binding to replication origins; also involved in transcriptional silencing; exhibits ATPase activity; ORC1 has a paralog, SIR3, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004530] 0.7069153070560917 65 YLR274W Component of the Mcm2-7 hexameric helicase complex; MCM complex is important for priming origins of DNA replication in G1 and becomes an active ATP-dependent helicase that promotes DNA melting and elongation when activated by Cdc7p-Dbf4p in S-phase [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004264] 0.695027887353888 79 YLR183C Putative transcription factor, contains Forkhead Associated domain; binds chromatin; involved in expression homeostasis, buffering of mRNA synthesis rate against gene dosage changes during S phase; target of SBF transcription factor; expression is periodic and peaks in G1; involved in DNA replication checkpoint response; interacts with Rpd3 and Set3 histone deacetylase complexes; APCC(Cdh1) substrate; relative distribution to nucleus increases upon DNA replication stress [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004173] 0.6926473895880544 47 YKR001C Dynamin-like GTPase required for vacuolar sorting; also involved in actin cytoskeleton organization, endocytosis, late Golgi-retention of some proteins, regulation of peroxisome biogenesis [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001709] 0.6911274921884715 50 YBR094W Putative tubulin tyrosine ligase associated with P-bodies; may have a role in mRNA metabolism; yeast knockout collection strain identified as a pby1 null mutant is actually wild-type for PBY1 and deleted for mms4 [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000298] 0.6874406044504537 56 YGR099W Subunit of the ASTRA complex, involved in chromatin remodeling; subunit of the telomere cap complex DNA-binding protein specific to single-stranded yeast telomeric DNA repeats, required for telomere length regulation and telomere position effect; involved in the stability or biogenesis of PIKKs such as TORC1 [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003331] 0.6801344757437006 84 YDR180W Subunit of cohesin loading factor (Scc2p-Scc4p); a complex required for loading of cohesin complexes onto chromosomes; involved in establishing sister chromatid cohesion during DSB repair via histone H2AX; promotes gene expression program that supports translational fidelity; evolutionarily-conserved adherin; relocalizes to cytosol in response to hypoxia; human disorder Cornelia de Lange syndrome is caused by mutations in NIPBL, the human ortholog of SCC2 [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002588] 0.6791857047892499 64 YAR007C Subunit of heterotrimeric Replication Protein A (RPA); RPA is a highly conserved single-stranded DNA binding protein involved in DNA replication, repair, and recombination; RPA protects against inappropriate telomere recombination, and upon telomere uncapping, prevents cell proliferation by a checkpoint-independent pathway; role in DNA catenation/decatenation pathway of chromosome disentangling; relocalizes to the cytosol in response to hypoxia [Source:SGD;Acc:S000000065] 0.677844210574799 67 YDL164C DNA ligase I found in nucleus and mitochondria; essential enzyme that joins Okazaki fragments during DNA replication; also acts in ribonucleotide excision repair, base excision repair, and recombination; DNA ligase I mutants trigger ubiquitination of PCNA at K107, facilitating Rad59p-mediated bypass of unligated Okazaki fragments; human homolog LIG1 can complement yeast cdc9 temperature-sensitive mutant at restrictive temperature [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002323] 0.6774681460276133 94 YKL112W DNA binding protein with possible chromatin-reorganizing activity; involved in transcriptional activation, gene silencing, and DNA replication and repair [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001595] 0.6772160193806207 84 YLL031C ER membrane localized phosphoryltransferase; adds phosphoethanolamine onto the third mannose residue of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor precursor; similar to human PIG-O protein [Source:SGD;Acc:S000003954] 0.6750405936571633 72 YDL003W Essential alpha-kleisin subunit of the cohesin complex; required for sister chromatid cohesion in mitosis and meiosis; apoptosis induces cleavage and translocation of a C-terminal fragment to mitochondria; expression peaks in S phase [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002161] 0.6731445568746725 74 YMR144W Protein involved in directionality of mating type switching; acts with Fkh1p to control which donor mating-type locus is inserted into MAT locus during mating type switching; localized to the nucleus; not an essential gene [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004752] 0.6671110906638806 82