Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr EAL92422 Taz1-interacting factor 1 (TAF1), putative 0.7910829951037981 4 EAL93584 PtaB protein, putative 0.7682663779303006 2 EAL87890 alcohol dehydrogenase, putative 0.7542445390344092 3 EAL88886 protein required for cell viability, putative 0.7401191393207022 4 EAL93105 phospholipid metabolism enzyme regulator, putative 0.7354980541785235 20 EAL91015 sphinganine hydroxylase Sur2, putative 0.7300692815478286 59 EAL84549 LysM domain protein, putative 0.7199851260760977 24 EAL93230 fungal specific trascription factor, putative 0.7174723973387923 8 EAL93446 MFS monosaccharide transporter, putative 0.7174490422203932 32 EAL87309 phosphoglucomutase, putative 0.7171068484418037 21 EAL93846 TPR domain protein 0.7170185094553261 17 EAL88909 ubiquitin-protein ligase (Asi3), putative 0.713491548263867 12 EAL90390 conserved hypothetical protein 0.7104488624873306 13 EAL84765 conserved hypothetical protein 0.7100756457070275 62 EAL92328 sensor histidine kinase/response regulator, putative 0.6989160144132072 28 EAL92943 RNA polymerase II mediator complex component Srb8, putative 0.697717462885745 16 EBA27429 transmembrane GTPase Fzo1, putative 0.6938107514236102 17 EAL93229 C6 finger domain protein, putative 0.6909264435068562 29 EAL88318 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6830811425237459 21 EAL85527 glycogen synthase kinase (Skp1), putative 0.6815690027147663 20 EAL86567 ankyrin repeat protein 0.6780345465339078 21 EAL91475 AP-3 adaptor complex subunit beta, putative 0.6753032135028435 22 EAL90548 GTP-binding protein Sey1, putative 0.674483891353081 23 EAL92375 ADP-ribosylation factor 6, putative 0.6664073604733979 24 EAL92843 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6659962475034753 25 EAL90521 protein kinase, putative 0.6642905563543119 26 EAL88760 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6636107550662066 53 EAL93922 cell division control protein Cdc25, putative 0.6583620852059566 98 EAL84545 C6 transcription factor Ctf1A, putative 0.655143489350208 94 EAL86686 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6544461580776754 30 EAL88695 protoporphyrinogen oxidase, putative 0.6541343978852524 75 EAL93394 chromatin remodeling complex subunit (Arp8), putative 0.6505097309226101 33 EAL86876 C2H2 finger domain protein, putative 0.6487660894657811 62 EAL90525 mitochondrial dynamin GTPase (Msp1), putative 0.6484005442919543 86 EAL86884 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6458308588503268 58 EAL91398 PH domain protein 0.6445048739058941 37 EAL90349 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6442471480849267 38 EAL90060 cAMP-mediated signaling protein Sok1, putative 0.6441741807526007 39 EAL88296 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6441184495941662 60 EAL90910 fatty acid hydroxylase, putative 0.6437805035651167 41 EAL90436 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase Clr4 0.6428782366265747 43 EBA27343 LMBR1 domain protein 0.6414217696357338 44 EAL93218 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6393611843773475 70 EAL91605 67 kDa myosin-cross-reactive antigen family protein 0.6391593359332617 99 EAL92373 trehalose synthase (Ccg-9), putative 0.6376372398584141 65 EAL85821 GNAT family acetyltransferase, putative 0.6365397970298168 99 EAL87370 C2H2 finger domain protein, putative 0.6346452074506551 53 EAL92972 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6306212711848878 63 EAL87631 Dishevelled, Egl-10, and Pleckstrin domain protein 0.6296953868092223 95 EAL85965 SH3 domain protein (Cyk3), putative 0.6292086154337633 53 EAL88295 TBP associated factor (Mot1), putative 0.6270445668331309 55 EAL89894 protein kinase, putative 0.6212188720096014 56 EAL92822 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6212036227845497 57 EBA27203 hypothetical protein 0.6205445907294027 71 EAL92410 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6185849413672654 59 EAL91776 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6162132280170947 60 EAL89268 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6159185337667088 61 EAL84450 chromatin remodeling complex subunit (Arp5), putative 0.6140617869788294 69 EAL85621 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6139014612056939 64 EAL87672 dienelactone hydrolase 0.6129617274626261 84 EAL86640 transferase family protein 0.6112008327185192 94 EAL89549 sulfate transporter family protein 0.6103692324167121 67 EAL90622 cell wall biogenesis protein Mhp1, putative 0.6063827595800045 70 EAL88739 ubiquitin-protein ligase Ufd4, putative 0.6040309379506272 71 EAL93473 conserved hypothetical protein 0.602379851166085 73 EAL90290 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6006554773291131 75 EAL88073 conserved hypothetical protein 0.6004560499275058 76 EAL88262 conserved hypothetical protein 0.5998462338207743 77 EAL89473 conserved hypothetical protein 0.5986544716461609 78 EAL92615 hypothetical protein 0.5976135500609354 79 EAL93706 sulfur metabolite repression control protein SconB, putative 0.5976013696750646 80 EAL84724 conserved hypothetical protein 0.5965774447507429 81 EAL90232 conserved hypothetical protein 0.5962085115583058 82 EAL84768 conserved hypothetical protein 0.595753412234666 83 EAL84225 conserved hypothetical protein 0.5953491034893186 84 EAL88589 kynurenine 3-monooxygenase, putative 0.5937447155850584 86 EAL85829 DUF803 domain protein 0.5935763146576444 87 EAL86154 homocysteine S-methyltransferase, putative 0.5924188750684576 89 EAL87409 cell wall glucanase (Utr2), putative 0.5871906636076338 90 EAL85844 conserved hypothetical protein 0.5870006437406285 91 EAL91231 small oligopeptide transporter, OPT family 0.5864306440263717 92 EAL92957 proteasome regulatory particle subunit (RpnC), putative 0.5858594284755201 94 EAL91431 oxidative stress protein Svf1, putative 0.5836120373658257 95 EAL84767 DNA-directed polymerase kappa, putative 0.5831612291842909 96 EAL92400 phosphoglucomutase PgmA 0.5815842749591428 97 EAL88389 CBS and PB1 domain protein 0.5791730917546191 99